Your sensitivity is your superpower

For a long time, I believed being "too sensitive" was a flaw of mine, but I've come to see it as a superpower. If you resonate with being sensitive too, it's time to embrace it as a strength and share it with the world - I’m sharing details on why this is so important in this blog post.


a personal journey:

I want to share a personal journey that's deeply connected to an article I recently stumbled upon. It flips the script on something many of us have been told is a weakness: sensitivity.
For the longest time, I was told I was "too sensitive." Those words used to make me feel like there was something deeply wrong with me.

maybe you can relate?

The constant "you're too sensitive" comments during childhood and early adulthood led me to develop a lot of negative self-talk. I'd tell myself that I was just "too much" - too much of a burden, too emotional, too reactive, and that I cared too much. 

As a result, I ended up repressing a lot of my emotions, thinking that was the only way to go. I felt like I had to stuff my emotions deep down where they “belonged," so I wouldn't continue to be judged and criticized for who I am. Not the best choice - but that's all I knew to do - it was a survival mechanism.

a plot twist:

It wasn't until I started my coach training journey back in 2016 that I realized my sensitivity was a superpower, especially in client sessions. My empathy and ability to tap into my intuition allowed me to connect with my clients on a deeper level and guide them towards their best selves – and it still does today.

But embracing my sensitivity wasn't easy. It required unlearning and reprogramming my subconscious beliefs in therapy and coaching, which was quite the journey. 

if you resonate with being sensitive…

I'd love to share some information from this TIME article with you to help you think about your sensitivity differently. According to research spanning three decades, sensitivity isn't something we can simply “switch off.” It's a trait that's largely genetic and comes with a multitude of strengths that can enhance various aspects of life. Let's explore sensitivity as a superpower:

  • Deep Processing: Sensitive people tend to process information more deeply than others. This means they notice subtleties and nuances that many people might miss. It can lead to a richer and more profound understanding of the world and its connectedness.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Sensitivity often translates to high emotional intelligence. People who are sensitive are adept at picking up on emotional cues, not just from others but also within themselves. This heightened emotional awareness can lead to better self-regulation and empathetic connections with others.

  • Creativity: Many artists, musicians, writers, and creative thinkers are highly sensitive. The depth of thought and emotional richness that sensitivity brings can fuel creativity. It allows for unique perspectives and the ability to convey complex emotions through art.

  • Innovation: Sensitivity is not confined to the arts; it extends to innovation and problem-solving. Sensitive people tend to be deep thinkers who spend more time evaluating various possibilities and solutions to problems. This often leads to innovative solutions and an ability to see patterns that others might miss.

  • Decision-Making: Studies have shown that sensitive individuals tend to excel in tasks requiring pattern recognition and smart decision-making. They're skilled at noticing trends and using them to predict outcomes, which can be a valuable asset in both personal and professional life.

  • The "Boost Effect": One remarkable aspect of sensitivity is what's known as the "Boost Effect." Sensitive people tend to gain more from the same resources and support that benefit anyone. Whether it's therapy, coaching, or personal development, sensitivity enhances the impact of these resources. This is pretty amazing!

  • Relationships: Sensitive individuals often have a deeper capacity for understanding and connecting with others. This can lead to more profound and meaningful relationships. In fact, relationship training and therapy tend to be particularly effective for sensitive couples.

Now, of course, sensitivity has its challenges, like overstimulation. It can feel like brain fog and overwhelm, especially in intense environments. But here's a little tip: A bit of daily quiet time – through meditation, breathwork, or a walk in nature – can work wonders to prevent it.

So love - if you've ever been labeled "too sensitive," it's time to embrace your superpower. Stop hiding it and start sharing it with the world. After all, your sensitivity isn't a weakness — it's a strength.


Your “sensitive” coach Samantha


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