what you focus on grows

Our minds naturally lean towards the negative, but we can change that. By intentionally focusing on the good, we can rewire our brains for positivity. It's like flipping a switch in a dark room – everything changes. So, how do we do it? Continue reading below!


what you focus on grows:

Think about it for a moment. Our minds are powerful, but if we're not intentional, they often drift toward the negative—towards problems, worries, and fears. Why? It's not our fault; it's how we're wired. Our ancestors had to spot threats to survive, and this natural "negativity bias" still lingers in our brains.

flip the script:

But here's the game-changer: We can flip the script. We can rewire our brains to notice the good, to savor moments of joy, and to focus on what truly matters. 

This shift is like turning on a light in a dark room — it changes everything.

So, how do we cultivate this new focus? It takes practice, but it's absolutely worth it. Here's three tips to get you started:

be intentional:

Be intentional about noticing positive experiences. Train your mind to linger on them for at least 20 seconds. Let that warmth sink in. This rewires your brain and strengthens positive connections.

create it:

If the good isn't knocking at your door, create it. Recall a joyful memory, listen to uplifting music, call a friend, be playful with your children, or do something that nurtures your soul. Hold onto that feeling for as long as you can.

practice gratitude:

Gratitude is like a magnet for good things. Start a gratitude journal and jot down your blessings daily. This simple practice can transform your life.

Remember, focusing on problems won't change your situation. It's a shift in focus that paves the way for breakthroughs. 

one last tip:

When you visualize your dreams, infuse your thoughts with gratitude. Feel the joy and appreciation as if your desires have already come true. This accelerates the manifestation process.

P.S. Remember, imperfect action is still action forward. Start today!


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