6 questions to a more intentional life.

Do you feel like life is just happening to you? In this post, six prompts are explored to help you infuse more purpose and intention into your daily life. From honoring your priorities to eliminating distractions, these prompts offer actionable steps to align your actions with your dreams and desires.


get into the driver’s seat

We've all had those times when life just seems to be happening to us, and we're not quite in the driver's seat. But guess what? You've got the power to add some intention and purpose to your life, starting right now!

Let's dive into some questions with examples that can help you navigate your way towards a more purpose-driven life:

prompt #1:

What is most important to you in this season of life? Are you honoring that? If not, what is one small step you can take today to honor your top priority?

Example: If one of your top priorities is your health this season, and you've been neglecting it due to a demanding work schedule, take a 30-minute break for a walk outside today.

prompt #2:

What changes can you make to feel more aligned with your dreams and desires this week?

Example: If your dream is to become a published writer, and you've been procrastinating on your writing, set aside one hour each morning to work on your manuscript. This small change aligns with your dream.

prompt #3:

What noise or distractions can you eliminate this week to focus on your top priorities?

Example: If social media and excessive notifications often distract you from your work, set specific times for checking social media and keep your phone on silent during work hours.

prompt #4:

What can you add to your daily routine that would make you feel like you're living life on purpose rather than just going through the motions?

Example: If you often rush through breakfast without savoring it, add a ten-minute morning routine where you enjoy your breakfast mindfully, sipping your coffee and appreciating the flavors.

prompt #5:

What daily habits or routines can you establish to maintain a strong connection with your core values?

Example: If one of your core values is gratitude, start each day by writing down three things you're grateful for, reinforcing this value in your life. Download the Core Values workbook here to get started!

prompt #6:

Are there any negative or unhelpful influences in your life that are affecting your well-being or mindset? How can you minimize or eliminate them this week?

Example: If you've noticed that spending time with a particular friend often leaves you feeling drained and negative, limit your interactions with them this week to protect your energy.


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Your sensitivity is your superpower