8 Quick Energy Shifts to Turn Your Day Around


Life's a rollercoaster and we all have our "off" days, right? That's just being human and it’s totally normal! But when you're stuck in a rut or need an energy boost, here are eight powerful strategies that I've personally found super effective. They've helped me, and I hope they do wonders for you too!



Evaluate what things in your life are causing you the most stress or overwhelm. Notice if there are certain relationships, patterns, behaviors, or habits that are not serving you. Then, write a list of the things you have the power to change moving forward.


Often times when we're feeling off, we're just a little dehydrated. Get yourself a large water bottle and set it on your bedside table so that it's the first thing you see when you wake up. Add reminders into your phone to remind you to hydrate throughout the day if you have a hard time remembering.


Be honest with yourself - what unhelpful thoughts are you experiencing that are making you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Take some time to journal during your day to disprove or reframe your thoughts to be more helpful, kind, and true.


Did you know, 90% of serotonin (the key hormone that stabilizes our mood) is produced in our gut? When you're feeling low, add nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins into your diet and limit the amount of processed food and sugars you consume. You'll be amazed at what this simple shift can do for you!


Even the smallest amount of movement can truly set the tone for your day and give you a boost of much-needed energy. Leash up your pup, call your bestie, or simply go for a solo stroll where you take some deep breaths and enjoy the fresh air. I've never regretted a walk outside and promise you'll love it too!


Meditation cultivates a deep sense of peace and calm in the mind. When you're feeling stuck in a rut, take at least 5-10 minutes to focus on your breath or try a new meditation app. I highly recommend the Superhuman meditation app if you're not a fan of meditation - this has changed the game for me!

Be of service

Helping someone in need or paying it forward is an incredible way to shift your low energy. Next time you're in the drive through of a local coffee shop, offer to pay for the person behind you. Not only will it make that person feel special, it will lift your spirits too. A win win!


Immerse yourself into a powerful visualization exercise where you envision your next-level self. Visualize how she dresses, how she speaks, what she does for fun, who she surrounds herself with, etc. Imagine yourself feeling unlimited and fulfilled. If you can see it in your mind's eye, it can become your reality.


What we focus on expands. It is easy to stay stuck in a rut or feel low when we focus on what we don't have or what we lack. Refocus your energy and attention on what you already have - the abundance in your life - through a daily gratitude practice.

Want to explore these techniques further? Check out my free resources!


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