How to Stop “Manic Manifesting”


Ever felt like you're doing everything right to manifest your dreams, but they just aren't coming true? You're not alone, and there's a powerful message behind this experience. In this blog post, I dive deep into the concept of manifesting and how it's not about control, manipulation, or expectations. Instead, it's about being, surrendering, grounding, and allowing the Universe to pleasantly surprise you in its own divine timing.



You gained clarity over what you truly desire. You made your vision board. You journaled your affirmations. You made your goal lists. You prayed for it. You calculated the perfect date for your dreams to actualize. And you even told your closest friends about it (because you're taking action forward, of course!). But…you haven't received what you're calling in yet. You think, “I'm doing everything right, there has got to be something wrong with me!"

If so, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there…very, very recently when trying to manifest pregnancy. Which leads me here…sharing a message that has been put on my heart this past week (frankly - over and over again, as The Universe typically does). Below I’m sharing Gabby Bernstein's three-step process to break free from "manic manifesting" and invite your desires into your life:

Step 1: Recognize You're Manic Manifesting

The first step is to get honest about how you’re trying to control your manifestations. When you notice that you’re obsessing over an outcome or catch yourself trying to play tricks with the Universe, begin by simply witnessing your behavior without any judgment. The sooner you recognize how you’re “manic manifesting,” the sooner you can surrender and get back into alignment.

Step 2: pray for the highest good

The fastest way to release a needy and controlling vibe is to stop praying for what you think you need and instead pray for the highest good for all. Whenever you pray for the highest good, you get your agenda out of the way. You surrender to the Universe’s plan and release your own. When you’re fixated on what you think is best, you could be blocking something even greater! What you think you need is often in the way of what’s of the highest good for you.

Step 3: focus on how you want to feel

Many of us don’t even realize that feeling bad is a decision we’ve made. We think things like, “I’ll feel good when I get clean bill of health.” Or, “I’ll feel good when I have the money in the bank.” When we do this, we’re putting the outcome before the feeling. We have it all twisted! We think that we must live in fear in order to get something we want, which will then allow us to feel good. But the truth is that once you feel good, you start to easily attract what you desire! When we make feeling good our priority, everything else can flow.


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