These four main energy blocks may be holding you back

Feeling stuck? It could be energy blocks — these invisible barriers hold you back from your full potential. But don't worry! You can conquer them. In this post, we explore what causes energy blocks, like limiting beliefs and assumptions. Plus, you’ll walk about with practical tips to break free from these blocks to reach your goals.


Have you ever felt stuck?

Energy blocks might be the reason. Energy blocks are invisible barriers that can hold you back from reaching your goals and feeling your best. Think of them like roadblocks that stop you from moving forward in life and becoming your next-level self. 

These blocks can come from negative thoughts, fears, or past experiences, and they can make you feel stuck or unsure about what to do next. But guess what? You're stronger than you think, and you have the power to overcome them! Here’s How:

limiting beliefs:

Limiting Beliefs: Ever felt like there was something holding you back? That's a limiting belief at work. These negative thoughts tell you that you can't achieve your dreams. But you know what? You absolutely can!

  • Try this: Don't let those negative thoughts convince you that you can't achieve your dreams. Challenge them and rewrite your story! Start by identifying any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Write down these beliefs and then challenge them by asking yourself questions like, "Is this belief based on facts or assumptions?" "What evidence do I have to support or refute this belief?" "How would my life be different if I didn't hold onto this belief?" By examining and questioning your limiting beliefs, you can begin to loosen their grip on your mindset.


Interpretations: Interpretations are the opinions you form about what's happening. But here's the thing: opinions are not set in stone and there are many different ways to interpret a situation. 

  • Try this: Don't let one perspective hold you back. Explore different angles, stay open-minded, and discover new possibilities! When you notice yourself making interpretations about events or situations, write them down in your journal. Then, try to identify alternative interpretations or perspectives. Ask yourself, "What other ways could I interpret this situation?" "How might someone else view this situation differently?" By exploring different interpretations, you can broaden your understanding and reduce the impact of biased or negative interpretations.


Assumptions: Assuming things can hold you back from taking action or going after your dreams. But who says you have to play by your assumptions? Challenge assumptions by living in the moment and taking action toward your goals. 

  • Try this: Don't assume the worst. Take risks, embrace uncertainty, and step into the unknown with confidence! To address assumptions, write down any assumptions you've made about yourself, others, or the world around you. Then, challenge these assumptions by asking questions like, "What evidence do I have to support this assumption?" "Is there any evidence to the contrary?" "What would happen if I let go of this assumption?" By questioning your assumptions, you can open yourself up to new possibilities and perspectives.


Gremlins: Those annoying voices in your head love to hold us back in order to keep us safe (but that's an email for a whole other time). But here's a secret: they only have power if you let them. 

  • Try this: Don't let that inner critic dim your light. Shower yourself with love, celebrate your successes, and let your positivity shine through! When your gremlin/inner critic/inner mean girl/negative self-talk comes out, write down the thoughts or beliefs they're expressing. Then, counteract these negative messages with affirmations or positive statements about yourself. For example, if your inner critic says, "You're not good enough," counteract it with affirmations like, "I am always enough." By replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, you can start rewiring your brain, build self-confidence, and diminish the power of your inner gremlins.

Energy blocks might try to slow you down, but don't let them. By facing them head-on and using strategies to release them, you're paving the way for a next-level life full of possibilities.

How to reframe your limiting beliefs.

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