How to craft a supportive and empowering Morning Routine

Feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to create the perfect morning routine? You're not alone! Instead of stressing over a rigid schedule, consider crafting a personalized morning routine menu. Think about how you want to feel each morning, list activities that align with those feelings, and mix and match them based on your intuition. By choosing what serves you best each day, you'll eliminate decision fatigue and make your mornings more empowering and supportive.


the perfect morning routine?

Have you ever felt the pressure to create "the perfect” morning routine? If so, you're absolutely not alone!

The whole concept of having a perfectly structured morning routine can be overwhelming, and for some, it might even lead to a state of nervous system 'freeze' — where the fear of not creating and then sticking to the perfect routine prevents you from taking any action at all. I know I have personally been there before thinking to myself, “what's the point of even trying?".

If you've also found yourself hesitating to start a morning routine due to fear of not following through perfectly, I want to introduce you to a different way - a more supportive way.

Let's redefine the idea of a morning routine, shall we? Let's make it an experience that supports you rather than adds unnecessary pressure. This new process I'm introducing you to today is like crafting a personalized menu that bring you joy, peace, or any other core desire you're calling in this year…

your morning routine menu:

Imagine having a menu of morning activities, and each day you get to choose what fits your mood, energy, and desires. You simply open up your Notes App or your Journal and you pick from an array of activities you love. Here are some examples:

  • Meditate for 5 minutes: Start your day with a moment of calm and centering.

  • Read 10 pages of a personal development book: Feed your mind with positive thoughts and insights.

  • Light a candle at your desk: Create a ritual to signify the start of a new and focused day.

  • Go for a 10-minute walk outside: Breathe in fresh air and soak up the surroundings.

  • Repeat self-love affirmations: Affirm positive beliefs about yourself.

  • Do 5 minutes of breath work: Energize your body and clear your mind.

  • Make a nourishing breakfast: Fuel your body with yummy goodness.

  • Ice roll your face: De-puff your skin and wake up your body.

  • Brain dump in a journal for 5 minutes or 5 pages: Release thoughts and set intentions.

  • Read spiritual text: Find inspiration and spiritual grounding.

  • Move your body for 10 minutes: Stretch, do pilates, or dance to get your blood flowing.

This pre-set Morning Routine Menu you choose from helps eliminate decision fatigue, paralysis by analysis, and the “freeze” state by making your routine easy to remember, empowering, and supportive!

how to create one:

  1. Identify Your Desires: Consider how you want to feel in the morning – calm, energized, focused, joyful, etc.

  2. List Your Go-To Activities: Note activities that align with your desired feelings. For example: To feel calm you might practice meditation or breath work. To feel energized you might do a short workout or go for a walk in nature.

  3. Mix and Match: Create combinations for variety and flexibility. You don't have to do the same thing every day…you get to choose what works for you that day. I recommend 3-5 activities max each morning to keep it totally doable.

  4. Try Something New: Periodically add new activities to keep things fresh and fun.

  5. Listen to Your Intuition: Choose what feels right for you each morning.

Here's what My Morning Routine Menu looks like:


Your Morning, Your Way: Remember, this is your personalized morning experience. Feel free to experiment, adjust, and embrace the way each activity makes you feel. Your mornings set the tone for the day, so let them reflect the next-level version of you.

Morning Routine Challenge: Select 3-5 activities from your personalized Morning Routine Menu this week. Notice how they impact your mood and create positive momentum for the rest of your day!


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Embracing Life's In-Between Moments for more Joy and Fulfillment